Academic Papers
2023 Community Partnerships Are Fundamental to Ethical Ancient DNA Research (with E. Kowal et al.). Human Genetics and Genomics Advances. j.xhgg.2022.100161.
2023 Is DNA a Dangerous Heritage? In Polarized Pasts: Heritage and Belonging in Times of Political Polarization, E. Niklasson, ed. Pp.156-174. Berghahn.
2022 A Palimpsest Theory of Objects. Current Anthropology 63(2)129-157.
2022 Southwest-1. In Handbook of the North American Indian, Vol. 1, I. Krupnik, ed. Pp. 374-389. Smithsonian Institution.
2022 Reading the Fine Print: What You Should Know about UNDRIP (with P.A. McAnany et al.). SAA Archaeological Record 22(3):14-18.
2022 Does the SAA Really Listen? Initial Analyses of the TAG and SAA Listening Sessions (with M. Wilcox et al.). SAA Archaeological Record 22(2):10-13.
2021 Craft an African American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (with J. Dunnavant and D. Justinvil). Nature 593:337-340.
2021 An Ethical Crisis in Ancient DNA Research: Insights from the Chaco Canyon Controversy as a Case Study (with A.D. Cortez, D.A. Bolnick, G. Nicholas, J. Bardill). Journal of Social Archaeology.
2020 Fostering Responsible Research on Ancient DNA (with J.K. Wagner et al.). AJHG 107(2):183-195.
2020 NAPGRA at 30: The Effects of Repatriation (with S.E. Nash). Annual Review of Anthropology 49:225-239.
2020 Collaboration Is Only a Tool to Decolonize the Museum. Trajectoria 1:1-11.
2020 Why We Repatriate: On the Long Arc Toward Justice at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science (with S.E. Nash). In Working With and For Ancestors: Collaboration in the Care and Study of Ancestral Remains, C.H. Meloche, L. Spake, and K.L. Nichols, eds. Pp. 79-90. Routledge.
2019 Guanyin’s Limbo: Icons as Demi-Persons and Dividuating Objects (with D.A. Palmer and M.M.H. Tse). American Anthropologist 121(4):897-910.
2019 Can Repatriation Heal the Wounds of History? The Public Historian 41(1):90-110.
2018 The Entanglement of Native Americans and Colonialist Archaeology in the Southwestern United States. In Unmasking Ideology: In Imperial and Colonial Archaeology, B. Effros and G. Lai, eds. Pp. 151-172. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press.
2018 Traditional Cultural Properties and the Hopi Model of Cultural Preservation (with S.B. Koyiyumptewa). In Footprints of Hopi History: Hopihiniwtiput Kukveni’at, L.J. Kuwanwisiwma, T.J. Ferguson, and C. Colwell, eds. Pg. 16-38. University of Arizona Press.
2017 Tree Ring-Dates and Navajo Settlement Patterns in Arizona (with T. J. Ferguson). American Antiquity 82(1):25-49.
2017 Developing a Native Digital Voice: Technology and Inclusivity in Museums (with C. Pohawpatchoko, J. Powell, and J. Lassos). Museum Anthropology 40(1):52-62.
2017 Hopisinmuy Wu’ya’mat Hisat Yang Tupqa’va Yeesiwngwu (Hopi Ancestors Lived in These Canyons) (with M.P. Hopkins, S.B. Koyiyumptewa, S.L. Hedquist, and T. J. Ferguson). In Legacies of Space and Intangible Heritage: Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and the Politics of Cultural Continuity in the Americas, F. Armstrong-Fumero and J. Hoil Gutierrez, eds. Pp. 33-52. University Press of Colorado.
2016 Collaborative Archaeologies and Descendant Communities. Annual Review of Anthropology 45:113-127.
2016 Laguna Sheepherding (with M.P. Hopkins and T. J. Ferguson). Kiva 82(3):278-322.
2016 Reimaging an Ethical Approach to Museum Collections (with S. E. Nash). In Remix: Changing Conversations in Museums of the Americas, Selma Holo and Mari-Tere Álvarez, eds. Pp. 76-80. University of California Press.
2015 Curating Secrets: Repatriation, Knowledge Flows, and Museum Power Structures. Current Anthropology 56(S12):263-275.
2015 On Secrecy, Disclosure, the Public, and the Private in Anthropology (with L. Manderson et al.). Current Anthropology 56(S12):183-190.
2015 Communities and Ethics in Heritage Debates (with C. Joy). In Global Heritage: A Reader. Lynn Meskell, ed. Pp. 112-130. Wiley-Blackwell.
2015 Origins: The Elusive Search for the First Americans. In Archaeology for the People, edited by John Cherry and Felipe Rojas. Joukowsky Institute Publications 7. Brown University.
2014 The Snow Capped Mountain and the Uranium Mine: Zuni Heritage and the Landscape-Scale in Cultural Resource Management (with T. J. Ferguson). Advances in Archaeological Practice 2(4):234-251.
2014 The Sacred and the Museum: Repatriation and the Trajectories of Inalienable Possessions. Museum Worlds 2(1):10-24.
2014 Saints and Evil and the Wayside Shrines of Mauritius (with M. de Salle-Essoo). Journal of Material Culture 19(3):253-277.
2014 The Search for Makak: A Multidisciplinary Settlement History of the Northern Coast of Le Morne Brabant, Mauritius (with S. Le Chartier and S. Jacquin-Ng). International Journal of Historical Archaeology 18(3):375-414.
2013 Anthropology: Unearthing the Human Experience (with S.E. Nash, S.R. Holen, and M.N. Levine). Denver Museum of Nature & Science Annals 4:283-335.
2013 “A Museum Here Founded”: A Summative History (with K.A. Haglund, R.K. Stucky, and P. Wineman). Denver Museum of Nature & Science Annals 4:11-63.
2012 Repatriation and Constructs of Identity (with J. Powell). Journal of Anthropological Research 68(2):191-222.
2012 The Work of Repatriation in Indian Country. Human Organization 71(3):278-291.
2012 Archaeology and Indigenous Collaboration. In Archaeological Theory Today, edited by Ian Hodder, pp. 267-291. Polity Press.
2011 Sketching Knowledge: Quandaries in the Mimetic Reproduction of Pueblo Ritual. American Ethnologist 38(3):451-467.
2011 The Disappeared: Power over the Dead in the Aftermath of 9/11. Anthropology Today 27(3):5-11.
2011 The Repatriation of Culturally Unidentifiable Human Remains (with R. Maxson and J. Powell). Museum Management and Curatorship 26(1):27-43.
2011 The Past Is Now: Hopi Connections to Ancient Times and Places (with S.B. Koyiyumptewa). In Movement, Connectivity, and Landscape Change in the Ancient Southwest (Proceedings of the Southwest Symposium), edited by Margaret C. Nelson and Colleen Strawhacker, pp. 443-455. University Press of Colorado.
2011 Translating Time: A Dialogue on Hopi Experiences of the Past (with S.B. Koyiyumptewa). In Born in the Blood: On Native American Translation, edited by Brian Swann, pp. 61-83. University of Nebraska Press.
2011 Multivocality in Multimedia: Collaborative Archaeology and the Potential of Cyberspace (with T. J. Ferguson and D. Gann). In New Perspectives in Global Public Archaeology, edited by Katsuyuki Okamura and Akira Matsuda, pp. 239-249. Springer.
2011 Lost in Translation: Rethinking Hopi Katsina Tithu and Museum Language Systems (with R. Maxson and L. W. Lomayestewa). Denver Museum of Nature & Science Annals 2:1-137.
2011 Civic Engagements in Museum Anthropology: A Prolegomenon for the Denver Museum of Nature & Science (with S. Nash and S. Holen). Historical Archaeology 45(1):135-151.
2010 The Premise and Promise of Indigenous Archaeology (with T. J. Ferguson, D. Lippert, R. H. McGuire, G. P. Nicholas, J. E. Watkins and L. J. Zimmerman). American Antiquity 75(2):228-238.
2010 Intersecting Magisteria: Bridging Archaeological Science and Traditional Knowledge (with T. J. Ferguson). Journal of Social Archaeology 10(3):325-346.
2010 The Problem of Collaboration? Reflections on Engagements of Inclusivity, Reciprocity, and Democracy in Museum Anthropology. Western Humanities Review 64(3):49-63.
2009 Myth of the Anasazi: Archaeological Language, Collaborative Communities, and the Contested Past. Public Archaeology 8(2-3):191-207.
2009 Reconciling American Archaeology and Native America. Daedalus 138(2):94-104.
2009 The Archaeologist as a World Citizen: On the Morals of Heritage Preservation and Destruction. In Cosmopolitan Archaeologies, edited by Lynn Meskell, pp. 140-165. Duke University Press.
2009 Archaeology on the Periphery: Locating “A Last Great Place.” In Archaeologies and Ethnographies, edited by Lena Mortensen and Julie Hollowell, pp. 240-259. University Press of Florida.
2008 Artist Unknown: The Significance of Signatures on Pueblo Pottery. In A River Apart: The Pottery of Cochiti and Santo Domingo Pueblos, edited by Valerie K. Verzuh, pp. 17-31. Museum of New Mexico Press.
2008 Always Multivocal and Multivalent: Conceptualizing Archaeological Landscapes in Arizona’s San Pedro Valley (with T. J. Ferguson and R. Anyon). In Archaeologies of Placemaking: Monuments, Memories, and Engagements in Native North America, edited by Patricia E. Rubertone, pp. 59-80. Left Coast Press.
2007 History, Justice, and Reconciliation. In Archaeology as a Tool of Civic Engagement, edited by Barbara J. Little and Paul A. Shackel, pp. 23-46. AltaMira Press.
2006 Memory Pieces and Footprints: Multivocality and the Meanings of Ancient Times and Ancestral Places among the Zuni and Hopi (with T. J. Ferguson). American Anthropologist 108(1):148-162.
2006 Dreams at the Edge of the World and Other Evocations of O’odham History. Archaeologies 2(1):20-44.
2006 Trust and Archaeological Practice: Towards a Framework of Virtue Ethics (with T. J. Ferguson). In The Ethics of Archaeology: Philosophical Perspectives on Archaeological Practice, edited by Chris Scarre and Geoffrey Scarre, pp. 115-130. Cambridge University Press.
2005 The Incorporation of the Native American Past: Cultural Extermination, Archaeological Protection, and the Antiquities Act of 1906. International Journal of Cultural Property 12(3):375-391.
2005 Portraits of a Storied Land: An Experiment in Writing the Landscapes of History. Anthropological Quarterly 78(1):151-177.
2005 When History is Myth: Genocide and the Transmogrification of American Indians. American Indian Culture and Research Journal 29(2):113-118.
2005 Retracing the Battle of Cibecue: Western Apache, Documentary, and Archaeological Interpretations (with J. Welch and M. Altaha). Kiva 71(2):133-163.
2005 Footprints of the Hisatsinom: Hopi Interpretations of Ancient Images in the San Pedro Valley of Southern Arizona. In Making Marks: Graduate Studies in Rock Art Research in the New Millennium, edited by Jennifer K.K. Huang and Elisabeth V. Culley, pp. 221-228. Occasional Paper No. 5. American Rock Art Research Association.
2004 Virtue Ethics and the Practice of History: Native Americans and Archaeologists along the San Pedro Valley of Arizona (with T. J. Ferguson). Journal of Social Archaeology 4(1):5-27.
2004 Mapping History: Cartography and the Construction of the San Pedro Valley (with J. B. Hill). History and Anthropology 15(2):175-200.
2004 Those Obscure Objects of Desire: Collecting Cultures and the Archaeological Landscape in the San Pedro Valley of Arizona. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 33(5):571-601.
2004 Remembrance of Things and Things Past: Museums as Memorials and Encounters with Native American History. Museum Anthropology 27(1):37-48.
2003 Signs in Place: Native American Perspectives of the Past in the San Pedro Valley of Southeastern Arizona. Kiva 69(1):5-29.
2003 The Camp Grant Massacre in the Historical Imagination. Journal of the Southwest 45(3):349-369.
2003 Western Apache Oral Histories and Traditions of the Camp Grant Massacre. American Indian Quarterly 27(3&4):639-666.
2003 Dismembering / Disremembering the Buddhas: Renderings on the Internet during the Afghan Purge of the Past. Journal of Social Archaeology 3(1):75-98.
2001 War and Cultural Property: The 1954 Hague Convention and the Status of U.S. Ratification (with J. Piper). International Journal of Cultural Property 10(2):217-245.
2023 Is DNA a Dangerous Heritage? In Polarized Pasts: Heritage and Belonging in Times of Political Polarization, E. Niklasson, ed. Pp.156-174. Berghahn.
2022 A Palimpsest Theory of Objects. Current Anthropology 63(2)129-157.
2022 Southwest-1. In Handbook of the North American Indian, Vol. 1, I. Krupnik, ed. Pp. 374-389. Smithsonian Institution.
2022 Reading the Fine Print: What You Should Know about UNDRIP (with P.A. McAnany et al.). SAA Archaeological Record 22(3):14-18.
2022 Does the SAA Really Listen? Initial Analyses of the TAG and SAA Listening Sessions (with M. Wilcox et al.). SAA Archaeological Record 22(2):10-13.
2021 Craft an African American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (with J. Dunnavant and D. Justinvil). Nature 593:337-340.
2021 An Ethical Crisis in Ancient DNA Research: Insights from the Chaco Canyon Controversy as a Case Study (with A.D. Cortez, D.A. Bolnick, G. Nicholas, J. Bardill). Journal of Social Archaeology.
2020 Fostering Responsible Research on Ancient DNA (with J.K. Wagner et al.). AJHG 107(2):183-195.
2020 NAPGRA at 30: The Effects of Repatriation (with S.E. Nash). Annual Review of Anthropology 49:225-239.
2020 Collaboration Is Only a Tool to Decolonize the Museum. Trajectoria 1:1-11.
2020 Why We Repatriate: On the Long Arc Toward Justice at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science (with S.E. Nash). In Working With and For Ancestors: Collaboration in the Care and Study of Ancestral Remains, C.H. Meloche, L. Spake, and K.L. Nichols, eds. Pp. 79-90. Routledge.
2019 Guanyin’s Limbo: Icons as Demi-Persons and Dividuating Objects (with D.A. Palmer and M.M.H. Tse). American Anthropologist 121(4):897-910.
2019 Can Repatriation Heal the Wounds of History? The Public Historian 41(1):90-110.
2018 The Entanglement of Native Americans and Colonialist Archaeology in the Southwestern United States. In Unmasking Ideology: In Imperial and Colonial Archaeology, B. Effros and G. Lai, eds. Pp. 151-172. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press.
2018 Traditional Cultural Properties and the Hopi Model of Cultural Preservation (with S.B. Koyiyumptewa). In Footprints of Hopi History: Hopihiniwtiput Kukveni’at, L.J. Kuwanwisiwma, T.J. Ferguson, and C. Colwell, eds. Pg. 16-38. University of Arizona Press.
2017 Tree Ring-Dates and Navajo Settlement Patterns in Arizona (with T. J. Ferguson). American Antiquity 82(1):25-49.
2017 Developing a Native Digital Voice: Technology and Inclusivity in Museums (with C. Pohawpatchoko, J. Powell, and J. Lassos). Museum Anthropology 40(1):52-62.
2017 Hopisinmuy Wu’ya’mat Hisat Yang Tupqa’va Yeesiwngwu (Hopi Ancestors Lived in These Canyons) (with M.P. Hopkins, S.B. Koyiyumptewa, S.L. Hedquist, and T. J. Ferguson). In Legacies of Space and Intangible Heritage: Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and the Politics of Cultural Continuity in the Americas, F. Armstrong-Fumero and J. Hoil Gutierrez, eds. Pp. 33-52. University Press of Colorado.
2016 Collaborative Archaeologies and Descendant Communities. Annual Review of Anthropology 45:113-127.
2016 Laguna Sheepherding (with M.P. Hopkins and T. J. Ferguson). Kiva 82(3):278-322.
2016 Reimaging an Ethical Approach to Museum Collections (with S. E. Nash). In Remix: Changing Conversations in Museums of the Americas, Selma Holo and Mari-Tere Álvarez, eds. Pp. 76-80. University of California Press.
2015 Curating Secrets: Repatriation, Knowledge Flows, and Museum Power Structures. Current Anthropology 56(S12):263-275.
2015 On Secrecy, Disclosure, the Public, and the Private in Anthropology (with L. Manderson et al.). Current Anthropology 56(S12):183-190.
2015 Communities and Ethics in Heritage Debates (with C. Joy). In Global Heritage: A Reader. Lynn Meskell, ed. Pp. 112-130. Wiley-Blackwell.
2015 Origins: The Elusive Search for the First Americans. In Archaeology for the People, edited by John Cherry and Felipe Rojas. Joukowsky Institute Publications 7. Brown University.
2014 The Snow Capped Mountain and the Uranium Mine: Zuni Heritage and the Landscape-Scale in Cultural Resource Management (with T. J. Ferguson). Advances in Archaeological Practice 2(4):234-251.
2014 The Sacred and the Museum: Repatriation and the Trajectories of Inalienable Possessions. Museum Worlds 2(1):10-24.
2014 Saints and Evil and the Wayside Shrines of Mauritius (with M. de Salle-Essoo). Journal of Material Culture 19(3):253-277.
2014 The Search for Makak: A Multidisciplinary Settlement History of the Northern Coast of Le Morne Brabant, Mauritius (with S. Le Chartier and S. Jacquin-Ng). International Journal of Historical Archaeology 18(3):375-414.
2013 Anthropology: Unearthing the Human Experience (with S.E. Nash, S.R. Holen, and M.N. Levine). Denver Museum of Nature & Science Annals 4:283-335.
2013 “A Museum Here Founded”: A Summative History (with K.A. Haglund, R.K. Stucky, and P. Wineman). Denver Museum of Nature & Science Annals 4:11-63.
2012 Repatriation and Constructs of Identity (with J. Powell). Journal of Anthropological Research 68(2):191-222.
2012 The Work of Repatriation in Indian Country. Human Organization 71(3):278-291.
2012 Archaeology and Indigenous Collaboration. In Archaeological Theory Today, edited by Ian Hodder, pp. 267-291. Polity Press.
2011 Sketching Knowledge: Quandaries in the Mimetic Reproduction of Pueblo Ritual. American Ethnologist 38(3):451-467.
2011 The Disappeared: Power over the Dead in the Aftermath of 9/11. Anthropology Today 27(3):5-11.
2011 The Repatriation of Culturally Unidentifiable Human Remains (with R. Maxson and J. Powell). Museum Management and Curatorship 26(1):27-43.
2011 The Past Is Now: Hopi Connections to Ancient Times and Places (with S.B. Koyiyumptewa). In Movement, Connectivity, and Landscape Change in the Ancient Southwest (Proceedings of the Southwest Symposium), edited by Margaret C. Nelson and Colleen Strawhacker, pp. 443-455. University Press of Colorado.
2011 Translating Time: A Dialogue on Hopi Experiences of the Past (with S.B. Koyiyumptewa). In Born in the Blood: On Native American Translation, edited by Brian Swann, pp. 61-83. University of Nebraska Press.
2011 Multivocality in Multimedia: Collaborative Archaeology and the Potential of Cyberspace (with T. J. Ferguson and D. Gann). In New Perspectives in Global Public Archaeology, edited by Katsuyuki Okamura and Akira Matsuda, pp. 239-249. Springer.
2011 Lost in Translation: Rethinking Hopi Katsina Tithu and Museum Language Systems (with R. Maxson and L. W. Lomayestewa). Denver Museum of Nature & Science Annals 2:1-137.
2011 Civic Engagements in Museum Anthropology: A Prolegomenon for the Denver Museum of Nature & Science (with S. Nash and S. Holen). Historical Archaeology 45(1):135-151.
2010 The Premise and Promise of Indigenous Archaeology (with T. J. Ferguson, D. Lippert, R. H. McGuire, G. P. Nicholas, J. E. Watkins and L. J. Zimmerman). American Antiquity 75(2):228-238.
2010 Intersecting Magisteria: Bridging Archaeological Science and Traditional Knowledge (with T. J. Ferguson). Journal of Social Archaeology 10(3):325-346.
2010 The Problem of Collaboration? Reflections on Engagements of Inclusivity, Reciprocity, and Democracy in Museum Anthropology. Western Humanities Review 64(3):49-63.
2009 Myth of the Anasazi: Archaeological Language, Collaborative Communities, and the Contested Past. Public Archaeology 8(2-3):191-207.
2009 Reconciling American Archaeology and Native America. Daedalus 138(2):94-104.
2009 The Archaeologist as a World Citizen: On the Morals of Heritage Preservation and Destruction. In Cosmopolitan Archaeologies, edited by Lynn Meskell, pp. 140-165. Duke University Press.
2009 Archaeology on the Periphery: Locating “A Last Great Place.” In Archaeologies and Ethnographies, edited by Lena Mortensen and Julie Hollowell, pp. 240-259. University Press of Florida.
2008 Artist Unknown: The Significance of Signatures on Pueblo Pottery. In A River Apart: The Pottery of Cochiti and Santo Domingo Pueblos, edited by Valerie K. Verzuh, pp. 17-31. Museum of New Mexico Press.
2008 Always Multivocal and Multivalent: Conceptualizing Archaeological Landscapes in Arizona’s San Pedro Valley (with T. J. Ferguson and R. Anyon). In Archaeologies of Placemaking: Monuments, Memories, and Engagements in Native North America, edited by Patricia E. Rubertone, pp. 59-80. Left Coast Press.
2007 History, Justice, and Reconciliation. In Archaeology as a Tool of Civic Engagement, edited by Barbara J. Little and Paul A. Shackel, pp. 23-46. AltaMira Press.
2006 Memory Pieces and Footprints: Multivocality and the Meanings of Ancient Times and Ancestral Places among the Zuni and Hopi (with T. J. Ferguson). American Anthropologist 108(1):148-162.
2006 Dreams at the Edge of the World and Other Evocations of O’odham History. Archaeologies 2(1):20-44.
2006 Trust and Archaeological Practice: Towards a Framework of Virtue Ethics (with T. J. Ferguson). In The Ethics of Archaeology: Philosophical Perspectives on Archaeological Practice, edited by Chris Scarre and Geoffrey Scarre, pp. 115-130. Cambridge University Press.
2005 The Incorporation of the Native American Past: Cultural Extermination, Archaeological Protection, and the Antiquities Act of 1906. International Journal of Cultural Property 12(3):375-391.
2005 Portraits of a Storied Land: An Experiment in Writing the Landscapes of History. Anthropological Quarterly 78(1):151-177.
2005 When History is Myth: Genocide and the Transmogrification of American Indians. American Indian Culture and Research Journal 29(2):113-118.
2005 Retracing the Battle of Cibecue: Western Apache, Documentary, and Archaeological Interpretations (with J. Welch and M. Altaha). Kiva 71(2):133-163.
2005 Footprints of the Hisatsinom: Hopi Interpretations of Ancient Images in the San Pedro Valley of Southern Arizona. In Making Marks: Graduate Studies in Rock Art Research in the New Millennium, edited by Jennifer K.K. Huang and Elisabeth V. Culley, pp. 221-228. Occasional Paper No. 5. American Rock Art Research Association.
2004 Virtue Ethics and the Practice of History: Native Americans and Archaeologists along the San Pedro Valley of Arizona (with T. J. Ferguson). Journal of Social Archaeology 4(1):5-27.
2004 Mapping History: Cartography and the Construction of the San Pedro Valley (with J. B. Hill). History and Anthropology 15(2):175-200.
2004 Those Obscure Objects of Desire: Collecting Cultures and the Archaeological Landscape in the San Pedro Valley of Arizona. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 33(5):571-601.
2004 Remembrance of Things and Things Past: Museums as Memorials and Encounters with Native American History. Museum Anthropology 27(1):37-48.
2003 Signs in Place: Native American Perspectives of the Past in the San Pedro Valley of Southeastern Arizona. Kiva 69(1):5-29.
2003 The Camp Grant Massacre in the Historical Imagination. Journal of the Southwest 45(3):349-369.
2003 Western Apache Oral Histories and Traditions of the Camp Grant Massacre. American Indian Quarterly 27(3&4):639-666.
2003 Dismembering / Disremembering the Buddhas: Renderings on the Internet during the Afghan Purge of the Past. Journal of Social Archaeology 3(1):75-98.
2001 War and Cultural Property: The 1954 Hague Convention and the Status of U.S. Ratification (with J. Piper). International Journal of Cultural Property 10(2):217-245.